

Using Tailwind CSS with Jetpack Compose for Web

This post outlines how to set up and use Tailwind CSS in Jetpack Compose for Web projects.


Protecting Private Content with Login on GatsbyJS websites

In this post, I will walkthrough how we supported user login inside our Gatsby website and protected statically generated private content.


Building a GraphQL server with Kotlin + Ktor

This blog post summarises the steps I took to build a GraphQL API with Kotlin and Ktor. It goes the logic needed define routes, execute GraphQL queries and mutations as well as adding JWT authentication with a simple permissions system for access control.


Clean Architecture in Flutter

In this series of blogs, I will discuss how I implemented clean architecture in a flutter project I am working on. Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob), introduced clean architecture which enforces separation of concerns between the different layers of a system. This makes the system testable and independent of any frameworks. This blog outlines what is clean architecture and describes the different layers to be considered in a clean architecture project.
