This post outlines how to set up and use Tailwind CSS in Jetpack Compose for Web projects.
ReadBusiness logic is usually platform independent but UI state management is always influenced by the platform you are building on. In this post, I will outline how I implemented a Redux inspired state management solution for my recent Kotlin multiplatform project and how it is connected to UI on Android and iOS.
ReadMy DroidCon London 2021 talk about how I scaled our whitelabel e-commerce app to be built and deployed automatically as a no-code solution.
ReadThis post describes how to build a custom side drawer that opens from the right side of the screen using Jetpack compose
ReadApplications utilising concurrency must synchronise access to shared state. In this blog post, we will go through an example of building a class that can safely share access to mutable between concurrent operations with the help of `Mutex`.
ReadThis blog will show you how to setup a Kotlin multiplatfrom project with an Android and an iOS application and a shared kotlin module.
ReadThis blog post summarises the steps I took to build a GraphQL API with Kotlin and Ktor. It goes the logic needed define routes, execute GraphQL queries and mutations as well as adding JWT authentication with a simple permissions system for access control.
ReadKtor is a new framework for building asynchronous servers and clients. It's 100% Kotlin and runs on Coroutines. In this blog, we will explore using the Ktor client to make HTTP requests in an Android App.